Hi want to integrate ABBYY Fine reader to my custom application
i use the commandline FineCMD.exe MyDocument /lang french /send MsWord
It does the OCR process by converting my document and pass it to Msword. I want the FineCMD to Save the converted OCRed word document to a folder How To handle that using commandline argument?
Iam USING ABBYY Fine Reader 12 on Windows 10
ABBYY FineReader does not provide command line interface for saving the result from scripting or for batch processing. FineReader is a desktop application intended for UI-driven use and not intended for black-box integration. The fitting ABBYY package for that task is Recognition Server or Engine SDK for true development, which btw has CLEI precompiled sample.
(Source: I am a former ABBYY dev/support tech and currently an independent ABBYY technology integrator)