I am trying to implement like in my Objective C application. If I am not logged into Facebook, then after tapping Like button, application opens login screen. I will log into my account. Then screen goes light gray with gray logo of Facebook for a while (with 2 shortly showed grey facebook screens before that) and then I am redirected back into my app. If I am logged into Facebook when running application, everything is the same except not showing login screen.
So my problem is, that I am not getting correct confirmation dialog that should appear after logging into FB account and I am redirected back into my app. Like is not placed.
What can be cause of this behaviour?
I have placed all 3 needed rows into .plist and this is how I am creating like button (p_webView is my subclass of UIWebView):
if (p_webView.fbLikeButton == nil) {
p_webView.fbLikeButton = [[FBSDKLikeControl alloc] init];
p_webView.fbLikeButton.objectID = p_webView.article.url;
[p_webView.fbLikeButton setFrame:CGRectMake(p_webView.fbLikeButton.frame.origin.x, height + 5, p_webView.fbLikeButton.frame.size.width, p_webView.fbLikeButton.frame.size.height)];
[p_webView.fbLikeButton setCenter:CGPointMake(p_webView.frame.size.width / 2, p_webView.fbLikeButton.center.y)];
[p_webView.scrollView addSubview:p_webView.fbLikeButton];
More information - I have tried this on simulator (there I do not have FB app, so it was using Safari only). After loggin in, I have got error:
"The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may be broken or expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."
As it might be difficult to find solution - one needs to be in FB app as administrator, developer or tester for like button to work when testing app that has not been approved by Apple for using native like button yet.
You are doing right. Maybe you are missing something:
You have to create fb app id and add it to iOS app. So you can open fb app when tap on Like button.(I think you did this)
You have to add your fb acc (using to login) to dev/test roles in your fb app. If not you will be pushed back to iOS app after login to fb (in fb app or safari). <--- I think your problem is here. Ref: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/test-users
If you want everyone can login and like, you have to Submit Your App for Review (with Native Like button). After that, everyone can use Like button.
For the fb app setting, in the "Status & Review" tab, turn on "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?"
After that you can see this "This app is public and available to all users" in Dashboard tab, instead of "This app is in development mode and can only be used by app admins, developers and testers"