Hello I am passing some data to webservice. This is my url
http://www.website.com/mobileapp/user.php?reg_device_id=566&alert_details=[{\n \"is_active\" = 1;\n \"term_id\" = 55;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 1;\n \"term_id\" = 2;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 1;\n \"term_id\" = 111;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 0;\n \"term_id\" = 21;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 0;\n \"term_id\" = 28;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 0;\n \"term_id\" = 1;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 0;\n \"term_id\" = 5;\n}, {\n \"is_active\" = 0;\n \"term_id\" = 4;\n}]
This is my webservice calling methid
for i in 0..<dm.array.count {
let id=dm.SettingsItems[i]["term_id"] as! String
var is_active="0"
if dm.array[i]
let catRegDict:NSDictionary=["term_id":"\(id)","is_active":"\(is_active)"]
print("------REGISTER ARRAY------\(self.registerAyrray)")
let urlPath = "http://www.website.com/mobileapp/user.php?"
let path="reg_device_id=\(dm.DeviceID)&alert_details=\(self.registerAyrray)"
let fullURL = "\(urlPath)\(path)"
guard let endpoint = NSURL(string: fullURL) else {
print("Error creating endpoint")
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL:endpoint)
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request,completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
do {
But seems this condition not satisfying. I can see its prenting this error message.
guard let endpoint = NSURL(string: fullURL) else {
print("Error creating endpoint")
But when I put the above url in browser its giving me the service response.What is the reason for this? Please help me. Thanks
Try to encode you url
and then create NSURL
object like this.
let url = fullURL.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())
Now pass this url
Hope this will help you.
It's because your URL is not valid url. You have to encode url
it before use.
URLs can't contain spaces, or "[", or various other characters. If you read the Xcode docs on URLWithString, they say:
The URL string with which to initialize the NSURL object. Must be a URL that conforms to RFC 2396. This method parses URLString according to RFCs 1738 and 1808.
Look up those RFCs online for more info.
@Arsen gives you the code to escape the URL correctly, but why are you trying to send a URL that contains runs of spaces, and how are you generating the query string for alert_details? The alert_details string looks a little like pretty-printed JSON. You should not use pretty-printed format for URL parameters.