We have a running Graphhopper Server in our company for getting routes.
Is there a way to find out how far we are driving in each country? e.g if I'm driving from Munich to Vienna I would like to know how many km we are driving in Germany and how many in Austria.
This is not yet possible out of the box. You'll have to create a feature request for this or implement this on your own: grab the country boundaries, identify the edges/nodes to mark in the graph and then create additional instructions or store the point indices to later calculate the distances/times for every path.
We now have built our own solution which displays us the distance per country and also separates which road types are used.
commercial_info: {
DE: {
distance: 461221.4580000006,
distance_per_highway: {
trunk: "801.1859999999999",
motorway_link: "6521.838000000001",
motorway: "447824.3810000005",
primary: "5922.418000000001"
RS: {
distance: 491452.9660000001,
distance_per_highway: {
secondary: "17662.566",
unclassified: "4864.14",
primary_link: "273.186",
service: "398.826",
motorway_link: "727.6659999999999",
motorway: "445850.3279999998",
primary: "21407.297000000002"
default: {
distance: 79.43371162874004,
distance_per_highway: {
nan: "39.71685581437002"