Need help creating a specific pointcut that utilizes a value from a method annotation

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-13 05:09:24


I have the following method

    @AutoHandling(slot = FunctionalArea.PRE_MAIN_MENU)
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String navigation(ModelMap model) {

            //First time to the Main Menu and ID-Level is ID-1 or greater
            if (!callSession.getCallFlowData().isMainMenuPlayed()
                    && callSession.getCallFlowData().getIdLevel() >= 1) {
                // Call Auto Handling                    
      "Call AutoHandling");

        return forward(returnView);

Basically what I want to do, is have a pointcut on processAutoHandling() But in the @After, I need to use the slot() for @AutoHandling

I tried this, but it does not get called

@Pointcut("execution(* *.processAutoHandling())")
public void processAutoHandleCall() {

@Around("processAutoHandleCall() &&" +
        "@annotation(autoHandling) &&" +
        "target(bean) "
public Object processAutoHandlingCall(ProceedingJoinPoint jp,
                                      AutoHandling autoHandling,
                                      Object bean)
        throws Throwable {


You can use the wormhole design pattern for this. I am illustrating using AspectJ byte-code based approach and syntax, but you should be able to get the same effect using an explicit ThreadLocal if you are using Spring's proxy-based AOP.

pointcut navigation(AutoHandling handling) : execution(* navigation(..)) 
                                             && @annotation(handling);

// Collect whatever other context you need
pointcut processAutoHandleCall() : execution(* *.processAutoHandling());

pointcut wormhole(AutoHandling handling) : processAutoHandleCall() 
                                           && cflow(navigation(handling));

after(AutoHandling handling) : wormhole(hanlding) {
   ... you advice code
   ... access the slot using handling.slot()


a) It can't work, you are trying to match two different things:

@Around("processAutoHandleCall() &&" +
        "@annotation(autoHandling) &&" +
        "target(bean) "

processHandleCall() matches the inner method execution autoHandlingComponent.processAutoHandling() while @annotation(autoHandling) matches the outer method execution navigation(ModelMap model)

b) since you are obviously trying to advise a Controller, there are a few caveats:

  • if you use proxy-target-class=true everything should work as is, just make sure you don't have any final methods
  • if you don't, all your controller methods must be backed by an interface and the @RequestMapping etc annotations must be on the interface, not the implementing class as described in this section of the Spring MVC reference docs

