Android Adapter getView Method: call super.getView or not?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-13 04:55:19


I saw getView implementations that used convertView parameter directly:

return convertView

Another implementations call super.getView:

View view = super.getView( position, convertView, parent );
return view

My question is, What is the right method?


I guess you are talking about Adapter.getView(). Which adapter are you extending?

Most adapters have no implementation of getView() themselves and expect that you check if convertView is null before inflating a view one yourself.

I say most adapters since there are exceptions. If you sub-class an Adapter from a third party -lib the adapter might actually provide an implementation of getView() and handle the view recycling. In that case you really should call the super-class.

Also, if you take a look at the code for CursorAdapter it actually has an implementation of getView()


the super.getView( position, convertView, parent ); is unsefull since the super does nothing.

getView belongs to the Adapter interface.

here you can find the code

