(Python) Networkx - Define own pos dictionary

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-13 04:34:15


my code is like that:

for x in xrange(5):
    G.add_edge('sIP:\n'+mostfrequent[x][0], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('dIP:\n'+mostfrequent[x][1], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('sPort:\n'+mostfrequent[x][2], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('dPort:\n'+mostfrequent[x][3], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('Protocol:\n'+mostfrequent[x][4], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('Packets:\n'+mostfrequent[x][5], countermfi[x])
    G.add_edge('Bytes:\n'+mostfrequent[x][6], countermfi[x])

pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)  # positions for all nodes

nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=countermfi, node_size=node_size, node_color='red', node_shape='s', alpha=1)             

nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=flattened_list_nodes, node_size=1600, node_color='blue', alpha=0.6)             

nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=G.edges(), width=2)

nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size=11, font_family='sans-serif')

My output of print G.nodes(data=True) is:

[('Bytes:\n620', {}), ('dIP:\n178.237.19.228', {}), ('sPort:\n2049', {}), ('sPort:\n60179', {}), ('sIP:\n16.37.97.29', {}), (153, {}), ('dPort:\n443', {}), ('dPort:\n80', {}), ('Packets:\n2', {}), ('Packets:\n1', {}), ('sPort:\n44492', {}), ('Bytes:\n100', {}), ('sIP:\n16.37.93.196', {}), ('dIP:\n178.237.17.97', {}), (188, {}), ('dIP:\n16.37.157.74', {}), ('sIP:\n16.37.97.222', {}), ('dIP:\n178.237.17.61', {}), ('sIP:\n16.37.97.17', {}), ('Bytes:\n46', {}), (224, {}), (227, {}), ('dPort:\n691', {}), ('dIP:\n104.131.44.62', {}), ('sPort:\n55177', {}), ('Protocol:\n6', {}), (120, {}), ('sPort:\n56326', {})]

I have a problem with using nx.kamada_kawai_layout, because i get an error:

raise nx.NetworkXError('Node %s has no position.' % e)
networkx.exception.NetworkXError: Node '' has no position.

How can i fix this or set my own pos for every of the 40 nodes?

Thank you in advance, Greetings :)


Based on your other question, your problem is that the node '' that appears in flattened_list_nodes is not a node in the graph. When you added the edges, you appended the node name with some text. So you added the node 'sIP:\n16.37.97.17'

Then you ask networkx to plot the node '', but that isn't part of the graph and because of that, pos doesn't have a position for it. So it's going to fail. You need to either not change the name of the node before adding it to the graph, or use the changed name in your nodelist.

Even if you define a position for that node, it will still fail to plot because the node isn't in the graph.

