It turns out that’s it’s impossible to declare a class inside a embedded <fx:Script><![CDATA[
so it turns I need to put and include the actionscript code inside an external Sourcefile. The error is commented out
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="1955" minHeight="1600">
<fx:Script source="URLRequest.as" />
<s:BasicLayout />
<s:Panel x="0" y="0" width="955" height="600" title="Bypass">
<s:BasicLayout />
<s:Label x="1" y="1" text="Please enter the ɢɪᴛ repository ʜᴛᴛᴘ ᴜʀʟ :"/>
<s:TextInput x="224" y="1" width="726" id="txtName" text="http://ytrezq.sdfeu.org/flashredirect/?http"/>
<s:Button x="1" y="12" label="ɢɪᴛ push !" click="send()"/> <!-- Undefined Method method error -->
and in URLRequest.as :
final public class MyClass {
// some stuff
public function send():void {
var request:Myclass=new Myclass(txtName.text);
// Some stuff with
So the question is simple but I couldn’t found the answer anywhere. At least not with for mxml with Spark.send()
doesn’t need to be in a class and as you can see is outside a class. But it needs to use a custom class.
So how can I call send()
from URLRequest.as ?
Now that I finally understand what you want to do, I've another idea - which is a little more complicated.
Create a file called Dummy.as and fill it with this:
public class Dummy
public static function send(url:String):void
var request:Myclass=new Myclass(url);
class Myclass
public function Myclass(inp:String)
Again, get rid of
<fx:Script source="URLRequest.as" />
and replace it by
import Dummy;
and finally replace
<s:Button x="1" y="12" label="ɢɪᴛ push !" click="send()"/>
<s:Button x="1" y="12" label="ɢɪᴛ push !" click="Dummy.send(txtName.text)"/>
The trick here is that we're importing the Dummy class that just has a static function which we can call without instantiating. Furthermore - as long as we define it outside of the package, we can add more class definitions, which are visible to the Dummy class.
I'm also not too sure what you're trying to do but here's a possible way:
Create an empty file called Myclass.as in the same folder as your .mxml file and insert these lines
public class Myclass
public function Myclass(inp:String)
Now get rid of
<fx:Script source="URLRequest.as" />
and replace it by
public var request:Myclass;
public function send():void {
request=new Myclass(txtName.text);