I'm fairly new to using the terminal, but have so far figured out through various forums how to hide a file from the Finder, but once hidden, I'm obviously unable to move it to the flash drive I want to keep it on, and I can't figure out any way hide the file after it's moved off of the internal drive. I'm using the command line:
Computer-name:~ User$ chflags hidden /users/me/desktop/filename.txt
How do I move the file once it's hidden, or how would I alter the command to hide the file after it's been moved to the flash drive?
Definitely this is an AskDifferent ( https://apple.stackexchange.com/ ) kind of question but at the same time, it's pretty straightforward to answer.
1) simply move the file to your flash drive
and then
2) hide it after it's copied /moved to the flash drive using "chflags hidden
" and the path to where it lives on the flash drive. Another option is to use "SetFile -aV path/to/file.txt
And just because it's hidden from the Finder doesn't mean you can't see it when you type in "ls
" in Terminal. So you can reverse the steps and copy after you make the file invisible.