So the title says it all.
I have a loop that loops through graphs that are sent to me.
Each graph object has one or more series in it of objects that contain a label, datapoint and tool tip.
Each series needs to be a separate bar on the graph.
So for example I might have a series object like
Series 1
label-Jan Value-200 ToolTip-Value = 200
label-Feb Value-400 ToolTip-Value = 400
And a second series
Series 2
label-Jan Value-100 ToolTip-Value = 100
label-Feb Value-300 ToolTip-Value = 300
Each Series need to be a separate bar color on the graph.
Despite my best efforts I cant seem to make this happen programmatically.
Need to assume there is an unknown amount of Series being returned with an unknown amount of data points because this control is used in multiple spots.
My object that I store each point in
public class XamDataChartItem: INotifyPropertyChanged
private String _label;
public String Label
get { return _label; }
set { _label = value; }
private double _yPoint;
public double YPoint
get { return _yPoint; }
set { _yPoint = value; OnPropertyChanged("YPoint"); }
private String _ToolTip;
public String ToolTip
get { return _ToolTip; }
set { _ToolTip = value; OnPropertyChanged("ToolTip"); }
void OnPropertyChanged(String prop)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
I store each point in a List<XamDataChartItem>
private List<XamDataChartItem> _dataCollection;
public List<XamDataChartItem> dataCollection
get { return _dataCollection; }
set { _dataCollection = value; OnPropertyChanged("dataCollection"); }
My jacked up method that doesn't create multiple bars, and doesn't put the correct labels on the X axis
ChartControl control = o as ChartControl;
if (control == null)
ElementList list = args.NewValue as ElementList;
if (list != null && list.Count >= 1)
foreach (Element data in list)
List<XamDataChartItem> NewBarSeries = new List<XamDataChartItem>();
CategoryXAxis catX = new CategoryXAxis()
Name = "catX",
ItemsSource = NewBarSeries,
Label = "{}{Label}",
Gap = 10
NumericYAxis numY = new NumericYAxis()
Name = "numY",
ToolTip = "{Binding ToolTip}"
foreach (var point in (data["DataPoints"] as ElementList))
var label = point["Label"];
var value = point["Value"];
var toolTip = point["ToolTip"];
var legend = data["LegendLabel"];
if (legend != null)
control.Legend = legend.ToString();
control.isLegVis = true;
XamDataChartItem item = new XamDataChartItem()
Label = label.ToString(),
YPoint = double.Parse(value.ToString()),
ToolTip = toolTip.ToString()
ColumnSeries cs = new ColumnSeries()
Title = data["LegendLabel"],
ItemsSource = NewBarSeries,
ValueMemberPath = "YPoint",
XAxis = catX,
YAxis = numY
if (control.chart.Axes.Count == 0)
//Hack to refresh the DataContext
//For some reason Observable Collections don't update with this control
//You cannot set the Mode it's read only
//Invoking OnPropertyChanged from control doesn't work either
control.DataContext = null;
control.DataContext = control;
This is a similar intended outcome
So the answer to the above problem was pretty simple. 99% of the elements needed are already there
Instead of attempting to dynamically create the collection of data points and the collumns all at the same time. Seperating them worked very well.
List<List<DataPointObjects>> MasterList
method NewDataReceived(args){
foreach Chart{
new List<DataPointObjects> temp;
Loop through data{
Create new data point objects
add them to temp
add temp to MasterList
// Now that we have all of our chart points
Create xAxis
Create yAxis
Foreach chart in MasterList
Assign xAxis data
Assign yAxis data
Build a ColumnSeries
assign it x and y axis
if chart doesnt contain these axises then add them
if chart series doesnt containt this new series then add it
chart.datacontext = null
chart.datacontext = this