I am writing a code for a simple transportation problem in IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. Here is the code trans.mod (File)
{string} Sources = ...;
{string} Destination = ...;
float Demand[Destination]= ...;
float Output[Sources]= ...;
float Shipcost[Sources][Destination]= ...;
assert sum(s in Sources) Output[s] == sum(d in Destination) Demand[d];
dvar int Ship[Sources][Destination] in 1..50;
sum(s in Sources, d in Destination)
subject to
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
sum(d in Destination)
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
sum(s in Sources)
forall( s in Sources , d in Destination )
execute DISPLAY
The data file of it is as trans.data
Sources = {Source1 Source2 Source3};
Destination = {mumbai delhi vadodra kolkata};
Demand = #[
mumbai: 80
delhi: 65
vadodra: 70
kolkata: 85
Output = #[
Source1: 75
Source2: 125
Source3: 100
Shipcost = #[
Source1: #[
mumbai: 464
delhi: 513
vadodra: 654
kolkata: 867
Source2 : #[
mumbai: 352
delhi: 416
vadodra: 690
kolkata: 791
Source3 : #[
mumbai: 995
delhi: 682
vadodra: 388
kolkata: 685
The problem is that when I run this simple transportation problem on TORA it gives me Optimal Solution as 152535 But when I run this code on cplex it gives me optimal solution as 156366 Please let me know where I am going wrong or why i am getting the difference of 3831. Thank you in advance.
First question is that did both Tora and cplex give the optimal results? There is no gap for both of them right?
If both are optimal results, check parameters if you input into one of the programs wrongly.
Check and compare decision variables for both program whether the result is the most logical result for the optimal solution or not.