spring3mvcportlet populate JSON dojo select

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-13 03:34:46


I am new to Spring mvc3 portlet and dojo. I am trying to populate select dropdown with JSON data when jsp is loaded. I want to use dojo and give ajax call to controller and return JSON when jsp is loaded. Any tips will be helpful.


public class YourController
  @RequestMapping(value="/combo/{id}", method=ReqestNethod.GET)
  public String getDropDownData(@ParamValue("id") long id)
    List<Combo> combos = commonDao.getCombos(id);
    String json = JsonUtil.toJson(combos); // or whichever way you use
    return json;

Send requests from dojo to this url


where 1 is your combo id.

I haven't checked the syntax here.. Wrote it blind. You might get compilation errors.


I get data in below format How do I populate dojoType="xwt.widget.form.FilteringSelect" {"ValuesDTO": {"items": [{},{"default": {"size": 5},"int": 10,"string": "Product1","string": "Product1 ","string": "product3","string": "product4","string": "product5"}]}}

I am sending dat in bean--->DTO--->List

