I'm wondering how I'd be able to import my cinterop-ted library to gradle build of the kotlin multiplatform build.
I've already created the library.def
file and filled it, I also generated the library.klib
and the folder that goes with it.
I just don't understand how to import it into gradle.
I've looked all over internet and I found a reference to Konan and I'm wondering if that's something I have to use, or if that's something being used for something similar to 'cinterop'.
I've looked over the following links, and I haven't found anything remotely connected to the .klib import
part of my question.
Link #1 (kotlinlang.org)
Link #2 (github.com)
Link #3 (plugins.gradle.org)
In general, you'll want to use the multiplatform plugin. If you're building a klib separately, you're creating some extra steps (probably). In Link #2 it says that platform plugin is deprecated. Konan is the name of the native platform/compiler. There was a separate plugin for that last year, but you definitely don't want to be using that.
I just created an example but it's not public yet, so this is the best one I have off hand:
I'm working on a Firestore library. The native and interop config live in the multiplatform config.
kotlin {
android {
// iosArm64()
compilations["main"].cinterops {
firebasecore {
packageName 'cocoapods.FirebaseCore'
defFile = file("$projectDir/src/iosMain/c_interop/FirebaseCore.def")
includeDirs ("$projectDir/../iosApp/Pods/FirebaseCore/Firebase/Core/Public")
compilerOpts ("-F$projectDir/src/iosMain/c_interop/modules/FirebaseCore-${versions.firebaseCoreIos}")
firestore {
packageName 'cocoapods.FirebaseFirestore'
defFile = file("$projectDir/src/iosMain/c_interop/FirebaseFirestore.def")
includeDirs ("$projectDir/../iosApp/Pods/FirebaseFirestore/Firestore/Source/Public", "$projectDir/../iosApp/Pods/FirebaseCore/Firebase/Core/Public")
compilerOpts ("-F$projectDir/src/iosMain/c_interop/modules/FirebaseFirestore-${versions.firebaseFirestoreIos}")
The cinterops
sets up where the def files are and params. I then publish that whole thing as a multiplatform library. The actual native artifact is a klib ultimately, but it's all managed with gradle and dependency metadata.