I fought with the IDE and read around all day enough to learn that in AS3, the exported class name of a lib symbol matters.
I have hello.fla. In it I created a simple textfield with a string ('hello') - coverted it to a symbol (movieclip) and did the following:
- made the classname 'Hello'.
- Export for AS is checked
- Export in first frame is checked.
Once i did all that i nuked the instance on the stage. I thought I might add some extra functionality later so I actually also built a Hello.as class, which extends MovieClip, and which lives in the default pkg* and the whole fla builds fine:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Hello extends MovieClip
public function Hello()
Now my main.fla, same folder, uses document class Main, and Main.as does the following:
private var h:MovieClip;
h = new Hello();
this.addChild(h); //no joy
**till i get this working, nothing is in folders: all the files are in the root folder.*
Suppose that the library symbol lives inside an .fla such as Hello.fla:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
* empty mc (blank stage) with a single library symbol containing whatever the hell you want (eg a shape). with settings:
* class = Hello <=== this refers to a specific library symbol, not the entire Hello.fla and whatever else is on the stage when you build it.
* export for AS : checked
* export for runtime sharing (as Hello.swf) : checked <==== This was the step I'd missed
* export in 1st frame : checked
public class Hello extends MovieClip
public function Hello()
The main timeline / document class :
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.events.Event;
import Hello;
* this is the document class.
public class Main extends MovieClip
public function Main()
this.h = new Hello();
this.l= new Loader();
this.l.load( new URLRequest("Hello.swf") );
this.l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.test);
public function test(e:Event)
this.h = new Hello();
h.x = 100;
h.y = 100;
this.addChild(this.h); //shows up on stage. Finally!
private var h:MovieClip;
private var l:Loader;
Hope it helps some other newbs like me new to AS3.
you need to add it to the stage, ie
Instead of this.addChild(h), does it work if you try root.addChild(h)?
Edit: _root -> root for AS3