I needed to be able to change my model data before it's saved, so I considered using pre_save handler to be the best option:
@receiver(pre_save, weak = False)
def pre_category_save(sender, **kwargs):
if kwargs['instance'].tags is None:
kwargs['instance'].tags = kwargs['instance'].__unicode__().replace(' -> ', ', ')
Under the instance key of kwargs I expected to find the actual model instance I'm saving, but instead I got an object of LogEntry class - that's the cause why my function fails returning this error: 'LogEntry' object has no attribute 'tags'. So - how can I fix that? Checking if instance has attribute tags is not a solution, because I always get only logentry object. I can eventually overload Model.save method, though I'd rather not do this.
You haven't specified the model class that's being received by this signal, so it's connected itself to all model saves - including LogEntry. Instead, do this:
@receiver(pre_save, sender=MyModel, weak=False)
See the documentation.