I followed these instructions: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforios/developerguide/install-ios-sdk.html
But I still get all these missing dependencies: http://screencast.com/t/o2oaYFctzg
How do I fix this?
So I had issues with this for a while too. A bit confusing if it is your first dependency manager.
So open up terminal and follow these steps:
gem --help
to check if you have RubyGems. If not go HEREsudo gem install cocoapods
IT TAKES A WHILE, be patient, it will goNow, once that's done,
into your directory where your.xcodeproj
isCreate your Podfile:
nano Podfile
NO extensionInclude your packages
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0'
for instance
And all your AWS packages:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'AWSCore'
pod 'AWSAutoScaling'
pod 'AWSCloudWatch'
pod 'AWSDynamoDB'
pod 'AWSEC2'
pod 'AWSElasticLoadBalancing'
pod 'AWSKinesis'
pod 'AWSLambda'
pod 'AWSMachineLearning'
pod 'AWSMobileAnalytics'
pod 'AWSS3'
pod 'AWSSES'
pod 'AWSSimpleDB'
pod 'AWSSNS'
pod 'AWSSQS'
pod 'AWSCognito'
Exit and save from nano
pod install
Open your