I tried to create and ExternalCatalog to use in Apache Flink Table. I created and added to the Flink table environment (here the official documentation). For some reason, the only external table present in the 'catalog', it is not found during the scan. What I missed in the code above?
val catalogName = s"externalCatalog$fileNumber"
val ec: ExternalCatalog = getExternalCatalog(catalogName, 1, tableEnv)
tableEnv.registerExternalCatalog(catalogName, ec)
val s1: Table = tableEnv.scan("S_EXT")
def getExternalCatalog(catalogName: String, fileNumber: Int, tableEnv: BatchTableEnvironment): ExternalCatalog = {
val cat = new InMemoryExternalCatalog(catalogName)
// external Catalog table
val externalCatalogTableS = getExternalCatalogTable("S")
// add external Catalog table
cat.createTable("S_EXT", externalCatalogTableS, ignoreIfExists = false)
private def getExternalCatalogTable(fileName: String): ExternalCatalogTable = {
// connector descriptor
val connectorDescriptor = new FileSystem()
connectorDescriptor.path(getFilePath(fileNumber, fileName))
// format
val fd = new Csv()
fd.field("X", Types.STRING)
fd.field("Y", Types.STRING)
// statistic
val statistics = new Statistics()
// metadata
val md = new Metadata()
The example above is part of this test file in git.
This is probably a namespace issue. Tables in external catalogs are identified by a list of names of the catalog, (potentially schemas,) and finally the table name.
In your example, the following should work:
val s1: Table = tableEnv.scan("externalCatalog1", "S_EXT")
You can have a look at the ExternalCatalogTest to see how external catalogs can be used.