I'm currently working on python to QlikSense server connection using websocket-client. for authentication, I have used certificates which are generated by Qlik sense server.
Even I followed the same logic of code mentioned at this link, but still getting an error.
from websocket import create_connection
def conn(senseHost, userDirectory, userId, privateKeyPath):
# self.url = "wss://" + senseHost + ":4747/app/" # invalid
url = "wss://" + senseHost + ":4747/app" # valid
ca = open(privateKeyPath + "root.pem").read()
cer = open(privateKeyPath + "client.pem").read()
key = open(privateKeyPath + "client_key.pem").read()
certs = ({"ca": ca,
"cert": cer,
"key": key})
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
# ERROR raised here.
ws = create_connection(url, sslopt=certs,
header={'X-Qlik-User: UserDirectory=%s; UserId=%s' % (userDirectory, userId)})
session = self.ws.recv()
return session
# below code has specific perameters.
c = conn("blablah.com","XYZ","ME","path/to/cert/")
I traced an error using pdb,
-> ws = create_connection(url,sslopt=certs,header={'X-Qlik-User: UserDirectory=%s; UserId=%s' % (userDirectory, userId)})
(Pdb) n
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)
I found a solution after 4 hours of effort.
def conn(senseHost, userDirectory, userId, privateKeyPath):
url = "wss://" + senseHost + ":4747/app" # valid
certs = ({"ca_certs": privateKeyPath + "root.pem",
"certfile": privateKeyPath + "client.pem",
"keyfile": privateKeyPath + "client_key.pem",
"server_side": False
ssl.match_hostname = lambda cert, hostname: True
ws = create_connection(url, sslopt=certs,
header={'X-Qlik-User: UserDirectory=%s; UserId=%s'% (userDirectory, userId)})