qt: QTreeView - limit drag and drop to only happen within a particlar grandparent (ancestor)

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-12 22:37:14


I have a QTreeView in which I have implemented drag and drop to allow the re-ordering of items.

GIven the following example of a tree:

Food                        <--fixed
|--Vegetables               <--fixed
|  |--carrots            <-- draggable/parentable
|  |--lettuce            <-- draggable/parentable
|  |  |--icebergLettuce  <-- draggable but NOT parentable
|--Fruit                    <-- fixed
|  |--apple              <-- draggable/parentable
|  |--orange             <-- draggable/parentable
|  |--bloodOrange        <-- draggable/parentable

Anything marked as draggable may be dragged. Anything marked as parentable may have a draggable item as a child. Anything marked fixed is, well, fixed.

My question is, how would I go about limiting the dropping of an item to stay within a particular parent? For example, I could drag 'bloodOrange' and make it a child of 'apple' or 'orange' (or even just change its ordinal position inside of 'Fruit'), but I should not be able to make it a child of carrots or lettuce etc.

I've managed to correctly code the flags for everything except the part that limits a drop operation to stay within a particular parent. I just don't know how to capture the currently dragged QModelIndex (from which I can determine parent, grandparent, etc.)


Here is my code for the flags method in case it helps: Note: I refer to the top level children as Nodes (i.e. 'Food'), the next level as Groups (i.e. 'Fruit'), and the final two levels (i.e. lettuce and icebergLettuce) are both Params.

def flags(self, index):
    Returns whether or not the current item is editable/selectable/etc. 

    if not index.isValid():
        return QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled

    #by default, you can't do anything
    enabled = QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags
    selectable = QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags
    editable = QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags
    draggable = QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags
    droppable = QtCore.Qt.NoItemFlags

    #get a pointer to the referenced object
    item = index.internalPointer()

    #only 'valid' cells may be manipulated ('valid' is defined by the obj)
    if item.column_is_valid(index.column()):

        #all valid cells are selectable and enabled
        selectable = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable
        enabled = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled

        #column 0 cells may occasionally be dragged and dropped
        if index.column() == 0:

            #drag/drop is only possible if it is a param...
            if item.get_obj_type() == 'param':

                #...and then only child-less params may be dragged...
                if item.get_child_count() == 0:
                    draggable = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled

                #...and only params with a group as parent may be dropped on
                if item.get_parent().get_obj_type() == "group":
                    droppable = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled

        #all other valid columns > 0 may be edited (no drag or drop)
            editable = QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable

    #return our flags.
    return enabled | selectable| editable| draggable| droppable 


If you want the drag to display the "not allowed" icon when hovering over certain rows, I believe you can't do it from the model. You'd have to intercept the dragEnter/Move events on the View wiedget.

However, dropMimeData() can return False to indicate that the drop is rejected.

Note that (in my Qt version) there is a bug in qdnd_win regarding drops that are rejected by the model. Here is my workaround based on some source diving; this is a method defined on my QTreeView subclass:

def dropEvent(self, evt):
    QTreeView.dropEvent(self, evt)
    if not evt.isAccepted():
        # qdnd_win.cpp has weird behavior -- even if the event isn't accepted
        # by target widget, it sets accept() to true, which causes the executed
        # action to be reported as "move", which causes the view to remove the
        # source rows even though the target widget didn't like the drop.
        # Maybe it's better for the model to check drop-okay-ness during the
        # drag rather than only on drop; but the check involves not-insignificant work.

(note that by "not-insignificant work" I really mean "I don't want to bother intercepting the events" :-)

