I'm at the very early stages of a project requiring the broadcasting, using RTP, of a DataStream
created from a MediaLocation
. I'm following some example code which currently failingin on the rptManager.initalize(localAddress)
with the error "Can't open local data port: xxxx", specifically:
Exception in thread "main" javax.media.rtp.InvalidSessionAddressException: Can't open local data port: 34586
at com.sun.media.rtp.RTPSessionMgr.initialize(RTPSessionMgr.java:2688)
at com.sun.media.rtp.RTPSessionMgr.initialize(RTPSessionMgr.java:2515)
at RTPBroadcast.main(RTPBroadcast.java:20)
I'm developing on Lucid and my firewall is completely disabled. I'm a little stumped to be honest. My code is as follows:
// http://jcs.mobile-utopia.com/jcs/26201_RTPManager.java
public class RTPBroadcast {
public static void main (String[] args) throws InvalidSessionAddressException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
RTPManager rtpManager = RTPManager.newInstance();
SessionAddress localAddress = new SessionAddress();
InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName("");
SessionAddress remoteAddress = new SessionAddress(ipAddress, 3000);
DataSource dataOutput = new ScreenSource();
SendStream sendStream = rtpManager.createSendStream( dataOutput, 1);
Any ideas on what could be causing the problem?
If your problem currently isn't solved, try to look at jlibrtp instead of jmf.