When I call this link https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru/1.x/?format=json&geocode=astana on my browser it works, but when I call it using retrofit It gives me 403 Forbidden
My code is
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit.create(YandexService.class);
public final static String YANDEX_URL = "https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru/1.x";
I call it using this
Call<YandexResponse> getGeoCollection(@Query("format") String format, @Query("geocode") String geocode);
and this
public void getMapLocation() {
Call<YandexResponse> call = dataProvider.yandexSearch("Astana");
call.enqueue(new Callback<YandexResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Response<YandexResponse> response, Retrofit retrofit) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
Why it gives to me 403 Forbidden, it doesn't need any authorization...
I Just paste /1.x/
from YANDEX_URL to Service
become this
public final static String YANDEX_URL = "https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru";
Call<YandexResponse> getGeoCollection(@Query("format") String format,
@Query("geocode") String geocode);