Creating a Required Comment Hook for Tortoise SVN

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 18:26:27


Has anyone implemented a hook that requires developers to input x chars before successful submission? I've looked up hooks but don't really understand how to implement this one for Subversion using Tortoise specifically for a Windows Environment.


Simply right-click the top level of your Repository. In the context-menu select TortoiseSVN, then Properties, to see this dialog:

Click the New button near the bottom right, and select Log Sizes. Enter the number of characters you want to require for Commit and Lock (10 in example below).

Do a Commit from the top Level directory you just modified. Now your repository requires all users to Comment before Committing changes.


Try this which was taken from here

Note that using client side commit requirements can work as well if you have developers you trust.


Then try this?


If you are using JIRA together with Subversion, then use the Commit Policy add-on.

It can verify the number of characters in the commit messge with the condition named Commit message must match a pattern. Even better you can use a regex like this to count only the non-whitespace characters:


The add-on allows keeping all these rules in a central place (JIRA) and it offers several other conditions to check the committer person, the committed files and so on.

Disclaimer: this is a commercial add-on, and I'm a developer working on it.

