I have this code I found but it doesnt work even after i tried many conversions. Basically it converts smartly a Datatable into a List that can be serializable.
The error is that it can't convert a Dictionary<string, object>
to a List<object>
public GridBindingData GetSomething() {
DataTable dt = GetDatatable();
var columns = dt.Columns.Cast<System.Data.DataColumn>();
var data = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => columns.Select(c => new { Column = c.ColumnName, Value = r[c] })
.ToDictionary(i => i.Column, i => i.Value != System.DBNull.Value ? i.Value : null))
return new GridBindingData() { Data = data , Count = dt.Rows.Count };
I tried many conversions including:
List<object> newdata = (List<object>)data.AsEnumerable().Cast<object>();
Basicaly, the Data property of GridBindingData must have a List<object>
. Is that possible?
Mmm. It's not easy to see what error you are getting, but perhaps you need .Cast<object>().ToList()
var data = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => columns.Select(c => new { Column = c.ColumnName, Value = r[c] })
.ToDictionary(i => i.Column, i => i.Value != System.DBNull.Value ? i.Value : null))
Edit this should work flawlessly, tested in the REPL:
csharp> new Dictionary<string, string> { {"key","value"} }.ToList().Cast<object>();
{ [key, value] }
csharp> new Dictionary<string, string> { {"key","value"} }.Cast<object>().ToList();
{ [key, value] }
data = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => columns.Select(c => new { Column = c.ColumnName, Value = r[c] })
.ToDictionary(i => i.Column, i => i.Value != System.DBNull.Value ? i.Value : null))
.Select(x => (object)x)
The answer depends on what you want for your results: the dictionary keys, the values, both?
Assuming you want the values as objects, this should do it:
data = dt.AsEnumerable()
.Select(r => columns.Select(c => new { Column = c.ColumnName, Value = r[c] })
.ToDictionary(i => i.Column, i => i.Value != System.DBNull.Value ? i.Value : null))
.Select(x => (object)x.Value)