Dendrogram generated by scipy-cluster customisation

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-12 12:35:29


This is a follow up to Dendrogram generated by scipy-cluster does not show.

from matplotlib.pyplot import show
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram
from numpy.random import rand

X = rand( 5, 3 )
X[0:5, :] *= 2
Y = pdist( X )
Z = linkage( Y )
dendrogram( Z )

when dendrogram() returns a dictionary with keys ivl, leaves, color_list, icoord that pyplot is picking up. How can I modify the labels and the leaf length before they are passed to pyplot?

Doing something like:

d=dendrogram( Z )

does not seem to affect it.

The leaf length should be something like this:


According the dendrogram documentation, you should be able to define labels when you are calling it (either via labels or leaf_label_func args). So there is no need to try to tamper afterwards with labels.

