I can convert from NSMutableSet to Set no problem, but I'm running into problems when doing the reverse.
E.g. this works:
let nsSet = NSMutableSet(array: ["a", "b"])
let swiftSet = nsSet as! Set<String>
But when I try:
let nsSet2 = swiftSet as? NSMutableSet
ends up being nil
Looks like swift Sets need to be converted to NSSet first:
let nsSet2 = NSMutableSet(set: set as NSSet)
Or shorthand:
let nsSet2 = NSMutableSet(set: set)
Or to go from NSSet to Swift Set and back to NSSet:
let nsSet = NSMutableSet(array: ["a", "b"])
let set = nsSet as! Set<String>
let nsSet2 = set as NSSet
let nsSet3 = NSMutableSet(set: nsSet2)