This is output of my native build script in JavaFX
, Netbeans IDE
This is default build via Netbeans.
Running [light, -nologo, -spdb, -sice:60,
C:\Users\Firma\AppData\Local\Temp\build7911949220829827228.fxbundler\tmp\Client.wixobj, **-ext, WixUtilExtension**, -out,
C:\devjava\rms\client\src\trunk\Client\dist\bundles\Client-2.0.msi] in
I'm trying to customize Wix UI interface, that is way I need to use WixUIExtension
How can I add "-ext WixUIExtension "
to my building process in NB.
I do not know if this is customizable in NB.
It is tricky. I think that they're still ironing out the kinks when it comes to native packaging in Netbeans 8. However, if you're using the standard JavaFX ANT tasks then just package the image when calling <fx:deploy>
. After that you'll want to call WIX ANT tasks. These can be downloaded at http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/bindownload.cgi
Once you add ant-dotnet-1.1.jar to your ANT classpath then you'll be able to call WIX with the UI extension like so...
<wix mode="candle" source="package/windows/<YOUR_PROJECT>.WSX" wixobjdestdir="${dist.dir}/bundles"/>
<wix mode="light" source="${dist.dir}/bundles/YOUR_PROJECT.wixobj" target="${dist.dir}/YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.msi">
<lightarg line="-ext WixUIExtension"/>