I am looking for the methods in CommonCrypto to generate the shared secret based on ECDH (Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman). I can find proprietary implementations like this one https://github.com/surespot/surespot-ios/blob/master/surespot/encryption/EncryptionController.mm but this one is not using CommonCrypto. The method to calculate the shared secret is called sometimes Key Exchange and includes the calculation of the shared secret. Can someone send a link to the right documentation or to an example that uses CommonCrypto for generating the shared secret based on Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman?
Look at CommonCrypto function from CommonECCryptor.h
CCECCryptorComputeSharedSecret( CCECCryptorRef privateKey, CCECCryptorRef publicKey, void *out, size_t *outLen)
It constructs a Diffie-Hellman shared secret with a private and public ECC key. Most information they provide are in the header file's commence lines. Header of CCECCryptorComputeSharedSecret is here