React.default.memo is not a function (React-Native) wrapWithConnect

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-12 08:18:14


I get this the error

_react.default.memo is not a function

and wrapWithConnect.
This is a react-native project and it worked fine before I used the connect function to connect my dispatch into my react component:

Package Versions:

    "react": "16.5.0",
    "react-redux": "^6.0.1",
    "redux": "^4.0.1",
    "redux-logger": "^3.0.6",
    "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",


const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
 return { 
  sendEmail: (email, navigateMap) => dispatch(sendEmail, navigateMap))

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(Login)


I had the same problem and I changed the version of react-redux to 6.0.1 instead of using a more recent one, and the issue was resolved.

Please change version by running following command:

npm install react-redux@6.0.1.

My project version is greater than 16.5.0 but I am unsure if this also has an impact or not.


Had this exact same error. Realised it's not due to syntax errors, but the react-redux version compabitility. Once I ran yarn check, it gave me multiple messages that "react-redux#react@^16.8.4 does not satisfy found match of react@16.5.0".

Expo is react 16.5.0 while react-redux expects react version 16.8.4 . As moi answered, installing react-redux 6.0.0 worked for me. Trying to change any other package caused even more errors to appear


Try using react 16.6.0 instead of 16.5.0


This is issue with expo.Try to clear expo cache by using this command

expo r -c


Try update your dependencies.

I have the same problem and I'm using npm-check-updates.

Here's a update check log:

 expo               ^32.0.0  →  ^32.0.6
 react               16.5.0  →   16.8.6
 react-navigation    ^3.6.1  →   ^3.7.1
 babel-preset-expo   ^5.0.0  →   ^5.1.1

Run npm install to install new versions.


If you are feeling lost and shelterless while trying to implement a modern React-Native inside Expo app, do not worry my friend, you are not alone.

I had this problem and found that:

  • expo 32.0 does not support react 16.8

  • react-redux 7.1 and on require react 16.8

I was able to make it work with this set of versions:

"expo": "^32.0.0",
"react": "16.5.0",
"react-redux": "^6.0.1",

You can replace them in your package.json, then you should do:

> rm -rf node_modules
> [npm|yarn] install
> expo r -c 

In order to remove previous versions from node_modules and Expo cache.


To combine the two answers that solved it for me:

  1. Remove new react-redux: yarn remove react-redux
  2. Install the older version of react-redux: yarn add react-redux@6.0.1
  3. Clear expo cache: expo r -c

That will do the trick.

