I am loading json data that is displayed in graph via AJAX aas implemented by the c3js library (http://c3js.org).
The function that
site = 'http://example.co.ke/';
var debits_ = c3.generate({
bindto: '#account-debits',
data: {
x: 'time',
xFormat: formart_,
colors: {
credit_type: '#1ABB9C'
url: site+"dashboard/credits_data/db/"+log_data,
mimeType: 'json'
I am making about 5 to 7 similar requests at the same time.
I however get random 500 Internal server error messages. (requests work and show data or give error randomly every time I make a new request)
No error
Could the issue be caused by CodeIgniter session? What is a possible solution? It works well on localhost without any error but on a shared server it fails.