DynamicReports/JasperReports third party unicode Font issue

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-12 04:24:25


I am using DynamicReports and struggling with getting the corrent printout, when i call .show() everything is perfect, but when i print it, either to an image using image printer or to PDF using Foxit Printer or even to my LaserJet Printer, result is same as shown in the picture below. I have tried making .jar using this link here

And i checked my PDF it has embedded font whihc i am using "Nafees Noori Nastaleeq" and their is certainly no issue in the font but the issue that my charaters are being distorted i dont know why... ...

Any help will be appreciated, i got not much time limit to do this. ... [img]http://s17.postimg.org/j7lywrpr3/report_issue.png[/img]

UPDATE: I tried exporting to PDF directly from the program and in that PDF i cannot see any unicode characters, i also installed iReport to check the issue and this issue was same(no unicode in directly exported PDF and missing and distorted unicode characters in printing form any pdf printer or physical printer.) So i suspect the issue is not with my DynamicReport configuration its with Font or some genric settings which are not working.


Alright, no answer so better answer my own question. The issue was that this font i am using and many other fonts (about 80% of my collection of urdu fonts) are behaving same. Where some other fonts are working good, i have created a list of fonts which worked for me. Pasting it here so that others may get some help if they need. Urdu Nastaliq Unicode Al_Qalam Tehreeri


Arial Arial Unicode MS

Attari_Sulus Attari_Abbas

Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Uighur//issue bit

Nafees Web Naskh

UL Sajid Heading//issues in date Urdu Najd v3//same issue

//downloaded and installed for chekcing Adobe Arabic AlFars 7 Kodak Bold// AlFars 18 Aban AlFars 6 Kamran Bold

AlQalam Nabeel

Dubai Unicode Zohar Unicode

AA Sameer Zikran AA Sameer Armaa Unicode


This is a great repository of urdu fonts if anyone need this. http://font.urduweb.org/ ... Lastly i would like to know how can i check any font file for such corruptions and if the font is 100% ok and will work in all scenarios, is there a generic way to check all fonts against any language?

