Protege datatype restriction

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-12 03:29:08


I have populated my ontology with data defining among others Hour. Now, I want to make a restriction on that specific datatype (hour) which is defined as int and has values from 0-23. The restriction would be set on the division of the hour according to day and night for example (hour min 6 int) and (hour max 17 int) for the day and that defined as object Property isDay, but the problem is the inferences does not happen. Thank you in advance, Eliot


You can create a :DayEvent class as subclass of :Event and then declare restriction on the dataType property :hour for the range you want to specify as day slot, say 6 <= DayEvent hour <=17, this way:

:DayEvent rdf:type owl:Class ;

      owl:equivalentClass [
                     rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                     owl:onProperty :hour ;
                     owl:someValuesFrom [ rdf:type rdfs:Datatype ;
                                     owl:onDatatype xsd:integer ;
                                     owl:withRestrictions ( 
                                                 [ xsd:minInclusive 6]
                                                 [ xsd:maxInclusive 17]
                          ] ;

      rdfs:subClassOf :Event .

Then all individuals with dataType property :hour having values within the specified range will be inferred as members of :DayEvent.

This would work at least with Protégé 4.3 and 5, with reasoners HermiT, FaCT++ and Pallet.

The equivalent class definition will look in Protégé syntax like this: hour some xsd:integer[>= 6 , <= 17] .

