I'm trying to blur the faces of all people detected by the webcam. The problem is that when the webcam detect a face the program shows the crop mat with the blur face.
I tried to put the blur face into the original mat but it doesn't work.
for(Rect rect : faces.toArray()){
Imgproc.rectangle(frame, rect.tl(), rect.br(), new Scalar(0,0,255),3);
Rect rectCrop = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y , rect.width, rect.height);
Mat imageROI = grayFrame.submat(rectCrop);
//frame is the original mat with the correct size
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(imageROI, frame, new Size(55, 55), 55);
No face detection:
With face detection:
use this constructor of Mat
Mat imageROI = new Mat(grayFrame,rectCrop);
instead of
Mat imageROI = grayFrame.submat(rectCrop);
The constructor gives you reference to the data matrix that is owned by grayFrame. so any modifications to submat will effect the bigmat.The submat
gives copy of the grayFrame data matrix for the crop rectangle. So the modifications on the submat will not effect the bigmat.