I basically have a postgresql table that has a column of type jsonb. the json data looks like this
"personal": {
I want to fetch all people who have the "Martian" and "Terran" nationalities.. in my postgresql command line this works
select employees->'personal'->'contact'->'work'->'email'
from employees
where employees->'personal' @> '{"nationality":"Martian"}'
or employees->'personal' @> '{"nationality":"Terran"}'
this works.. but it's ugly.. i would like to run something like this:
select employees->'personal'->'contact'->'work'->'email'
from employees
where employees->'personal'->'nationality' in ('Martian','Terran')
but I get formatting errors like this one:
DETAIL: Token "Martian" is invalid.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: Martian
You have to use the "get value as text" operator ->> to make this happen:
select employees->'personal'->'contact'->'work'->>'email'
from employees
where employees->'personal'->>'nationality' in ('Martian','Terran')
I also added it to getting the email since I assume you want it as text.
Note that casting to text (employees->'personal'->'nationality')::text
would not work since it doesn't return just the value but the json converted to text, which in this case is "Martian"
including the quotes.
Use ->> operator:
select employees->'personal'->'contact'->'work'->'email'
from employees
where employees->'personal'->>'nationality' in ('Martian','Terran')