I have a scope that look like this:
scope :attr_similar_to, -> (attr, strings) { where("#{attr} similar to ?", "%(#{strings})%") }
The way I use this scope is that iterate through a number of attributes and for each attribute I send the attribute into the scope along with a set of multiple strings in the 'strings' variable, which gets sent into this scope as "foo|bar|etc". So for each attribute, I check if the attribute value is similar to any of the strings.
The loop where I use this scope looks like this:
results = Model.none
attributes.each do |attr|
results += attr_similar_to(attr, strings)
The problem is that if I have two attributes, "name" and "age", and only "name" matches on "foo", it will still fetch me all those records matching with "foo". I want to be able to chain these scope calls with something like an "and" operator between them so that for example both "name" and "age" must get a match each in order to fetch me any records.
Am I perhaps trying to do this in a wrong or inefficient way?
results = Model.all # Model.scoped in rails 3
attributes.each do |attr|
results = results.attr_similar_to(attr, strings)
Or more concise:
results = attributes.inject(Model.all) do |result, attr|
result.attr_similar_to(attr, strings)