How to autowire @service from external Jar in Spring

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-12 01:55:53


I am developing two spring based application(Ex app1 and app2) fully on Java configuration with Maven and no XML config. Through Maven -WAR plugin , I have created Jar reference of app2 and using mvn install:install file I have binded the app2 jar with app1. app2 - Its used to fetch inforamtion from data source.

I have autowired the app2 serive in app1 implementation class to fetch the details which was annotated with @Service in app2 application.

My first doubt is:

Both app1 and app2 have separate file.Is it possible to simply autowiring one of the @Service which is availble in Jar format or else I need to define or import App2's AppConfig java file into App1's AppConfig.jave file.

I have tried with the simple autowired the external JAR @Service class and ended with error.

Kindly help me on what needs to be done to autowire external Jar's @Service to the implementation class.

Below is my App1 repository class

public class VehicleRepository {   

    VehicleService vehicleservice;   

    public Map<String, item> getAllTypes(String type) {     

            Vehicke vehicle = vehicleservice.getAllVehicle(type);

            // handle response here...
        } catch (Exception ex) {

            // handle exception here
        } finally {

        return vehicleDetails;


VehicleService is available in external Jar.

VehicleService Class:

public class VehicleService {

    public VehicleService() {

    PortRepository portRepository;

    MessageSource messageSource;

    public Vehicle getAllVehicles(String type) {
        List<Vehicle> cehicles = portRepository.getPorts();
        return vehicle;


Let's make it simple.
Your App1 depends on App2.
So you use @Import(App2Config.class) class App1Config {}, that's it.

And by the way, instead of tricks with 'mvn install:install file' you can just use parent pom.xml with modules app1 and app2, and declare dependency of module app1 on module app2 in pom.xml <dependencies> section. You then run 'mvn install' to build your project.
See an example here:

