I want to design a universal app that I'd want to support just portrait orientation. It's weird because Xcode allows you to select portrait orientation only in the target's Deployment Info settings (and in Info.plist), but reading the iOS Human Interface Guidelines, in the section regarding the launch images, I've found this:
You must provide at least one launch image. Typically, an iPhone app includes at least one launch image in portrait orientation; an iPad app includes at least one launch image in portrait orientation and at least one launch image in landscape orientation.
Does that mean that you have to provide a launch image in landscape orientation even if you only support portrait orientation? Or is it required to support landscape orientation in iPad?
EDIT: It looks like it is not required to support both portrait and landscape orientations in iPad, though strongly recommended. However, it looks like, if an orientation supported, also the opposite one should be (portrait and upside-down, for instance). Is it required then to provide both launch images? (portrait and upside-down). Thanks again
It is strongly recommended that your application support all orientations. This includes portrait, portrait upside-down, landscape left and landscape right. iPad apps that require an orientation must support both variants of that orientation.