Aggregation with meteorhacks:aggregate (why would I ever use $out)?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-12 00:55:39


This is a significant edit to this question, as I have changed the publication to a method and narrowed the scope of the question.

I am using meteorhacks:aggregate to calculate and publish the average and median of company valuation data for a user-selected series of companies. The selections are saved in a Valuations collection for reference and the data for aggregation comes from the Companies collection.

The code below works fine for one-time use (although it's not reactive). However, users will rerun this aggregation for thousands of valuationIds. Since $out will first clear out the new collection before inserting the new results, I can't use that here, I need to retain the results of each instance. I don't understand why $out would ever be used.

Is there any way to just add update the existing Valuation document with the aggregation results and then subscribe to that document?


    valuationAggregate: function(valuationId, valuationSelections) {
        //Aggregate and publish average of company valuation data for a user-selected series of companies./
        //Selections are saved in Valuations collection for reference and data for aggregation comes from Companies collection.//
        check(valuationId, String);
        check(valuationSelections, Array);
        var pipelineSelections = [
            //Match documents in Companies collection where the 'ticker' value was selected by the user.//
            {$match: {ticker: {$in: valuationSelections}}},
                $group: {
                    _id: null,
                    avgEvRevenueLtm: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.ltm.revenue"]}},
                    avgEvRevenueFy1: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.fy1.revenue"]}},
                    avgEvRevenueFy2: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.fy2.revenue"]}},
                    avgEvEbitdaLtm: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.ltm.ebitda"]}},
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    valuationId: {$literal: valuationId},
                    avgEvRevenueLtm: 1,
                    avgEvRevenueFy1: 1,
                    avgEvRevenueFy2: 1,
                    avgEvEbitdaLtm: 1,

        var results = Companies.aggregate(pipelineSelections);

The code above works, as far as viewing the results on the server. In my terminal, I see:

I20150926-23:50:27.766(-4)? [ { avgEvRevenueLtm: 3.988137239679733,
I20150926-23:50:27.767(-4)?     avgEvRevenueFy1: 3.8159564713187155,
I20150926-23:50:27.768(-4)?     avgEvRevenueFy2: 3.50111769838031,
I20150926-23:50:27.768(-4)?     avgEvEbitdaLtm: 11.176476895728268,
I20150926-23:50:27.772(-4)?     valuationId: 'Qg4EwpfJ5uPXyxe62' } ]


I was able to resolve this with the following. Needed to add the forEach to unwind the array in the same way as $out.


ValuationResults = new Mongo.Collection('valuationResults');


    var results = Companies.aggregate(pipelineSelections);
    results.forEach(function(valuationResults) {
        ValuationResults.update({'result.valuationId': valuationId}, {result:valuationResults}, {upsert: true});
    console.log(ValuationResults.find({'result.valuationId': valuationId}).fetch());

