I have task:
"Develop the program on JavaEE(simple web application using Servlet/JSP techlogies), that will be run on 'OpenBSD 5.6. amd64' server and that provides interface for controlling network ports(up/down and limit speed)"
Up/Down is simple: ifup 'interface-name'/ifdown 'inteface-name'.
But with 'limit speed' i have some difficulties.
I want do this with shal command, but i can't find sample.
Only with third-party tools: Wondershaper, Trickle.
Related topics: 1, 2
Any ideas?
In advance thanks for help!
On OpenBSD, this is done using the built-in packet filter, which also performs bandwidth control. I recommend starting with the pfctl(8) man page and reviewing the related ones as well.
I found this topic, but he a little complex. Tell me please, it that what I need?