Can I check in to TFS from CLI with a work item association?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-11 19:08:25


I can attempt to check in to TFS, but I get a policy violation because it isn't associated with a work item. That's fine, I do that all the time in VS, but I'm trying to do it via the command line and I can't figure out how to associate the tf vc checkin with a work item. Is this possible?

This is using tf CLI v14, VS 2015, TFS 2013.


It can't be done from CLI, but you can however use the override parameter to override the checkin policy:


Overrides a check-in policy using one of the following arguments:

• reason: A user-provided reason why the check-in policy is being ignored.

• Reasonfile: The path to a file that contains a user-provided description of the reason why the check-in policy is being ignored.

