Unpermitted Parameter in spite of being included in strong params

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-11 18:35:55


I have a situation where I am getting the error

Unpermitted parameter: incorporation

however I have it listed in the strong params:

def company_params
        params.require(:company).permit(:id, :name, :employee_stock_options, :options_pool, :state_corp, :street, :city, :state, :zip, :_destroy,
                            incorporation_attributes: [:title, :trademark_search, :user_id, :employee_stock_options, :final_submit, :submit, :_destroy],
                            names_attributes: [:id, :name_string, :suffix, :approved, :snapshot, :company_id, :_destroy],

There's a bit of a catch that might be contributing to the issue: The controller in question is actually the Incorporation controller. But, as you might notice, we are using it to create a parent model Company, which has_one :incorporation. I realize that this is a bit odd, but I have reasons for wanting my models to be structured this way AND for using the incorporations_controller for doing it.

Accordingly, I have my form structured in the following way:

<%= simple_form_for @company, url: url_for(action: @caction, controller: 'incorporations'), html: {id:"incorporationform"}, remote: false, update: { success: "response", failure: "error"} do |company| %>
  <%= company.simple_fields_for @incorporation do |f| %>
    <div class="padded-fields">
        <div class="form_subsection">
            <%= f.input :trademark_search, as: :radio_buttons, label: 'Would you like us to do a trademark search and provide advice regarding any issues we identify in relation to the name you have selected?', input_html: { class: 'form-control radio radio-false' } %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Thanks in advance for any insight

Update: My new and create methods are as follows in incorporations_controller

    def new
        @company = @user.companies.build
        @incorporation = @company.build_incorporation
        @action = "new"
        @caction = "create"

    def create
        @company = current_user.companies.build(company_params)
        @incorporation = @company.build_incorporation

        if @company.save
            current_user.companies << @company
            if params[:final_submit]
                redirect_to incorporations_index_path
                redirect_to edit_incorporation_path(@incorporation), notice: "Successfuly saved incorporation info."
            render 'new', notice: "Something went wrong; form unable to be saved."
#       render :nothing => true

Update 2: In Case it helps, here are the parameters from the log:

"company"=>{"names_attributes"=>{"145\2853672570"=>{"name_string"=>"test19", "suffix"=>"INC", "_destroy"=>"false"}}, "fiscal_year_end_month"=>"", "fiscal_year_end_day"=>"", "street"=>"", "city"=>"", "state"=>"", "zip"\=>"", "issued_common_stock"=>"10,000,000", "employee_stock_options"=>"false", "options_pool"=>"0", "incorporation"=>{"submit"=>"0"}}, "commit"=>"Save"}  

I noticed that (unlike other nested attributes) incorporation does not have the _attributes line after it. Might that be of some significance?

Update3: I also seem to be creating an incorporation entry in the incorporations table with the proper ownership assigned. However no other fields are filled out.


You shouldn't have incorporation in your submitted params anyway - it should be incorporation_attributes (as you've already got in your strong params).


If you're using fields_for, you should expect [association]_attributes to be passed as a parameter from your form.

Not having it means you've either not got accepts_nested_attributes_for in your parent model, or you have not built your child object:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_one :incorporation
   accepts_nested_attributes_for :incorporation


class IncorporationsController < ApplicationController
   def new
       @company = Company.new
       @company.build_incorporation #-> only needed if a new record

   def create
       @company = Company.new company_params


What a strange issue you have - you're passing names_attributes fine and yet incorporation doesn't work.

The one thing I would say, after looking at your params, is that your incorporation is only passing "submit" => "0". I don't see what that is; anyway there are numerous issues with your form:

def new
    @company = current_user.companies.new

def create
    @company = current_user.companies.new company_params
    @company.save #-> don't need to "build" in create

This will allow you to...

<%= simple_form_for @company, url: url_for(action: @caction, controller: 'incorporations'), html: {id:"incorporationform"}, remote: false, update: { success: "response", failure: "error"} do |company| %>
  <%= company.simple_fields_for :incorporation do |f| %>
     <%= f.input ...
  <% end %>

When using fields_for, you only need to pass the parent object (in your case @company). Building incorporation will automatically populate fields_for without explicitly declaring it.


The error indicates that we need to define this in company model:

accepts_nested_attributes_for :incorporation
attr_accessible :incorporation_attributes

