I have a simple questions about discord. I am trying to create an economy system, and it works well, but I want to customize it a bit. I am using this person's module: https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
How do I convert a username to a discord ID. For example if I have a discord "command" to allow people to gift each other money, like: james#0243
types !give 100 bob#9413
How can I convert bob#9413
to a discord id like 58492482649273613
because in my database, I have people's users stored as their ID rather than their actual username as people can change their username.
Use a converter to get the Member
object of the target, which will include their id
from discord import Member
from dicord.ext.commands import Bot
bot = Bot(command_prefix='!')
async def getids(ctx, member: Member):
await ctx.send(f"Your id is {ctx.author.id}")
await ctx.send(f"{member.mention}'s id is {member.id}")
Converters are pretty flexible, so you can give names, nicknames, ids, or mentions.
on_message callback function is passed the message
is a discord.Message instance.
It has author and
mentions attributes which could be instances of discord.Member
or discord.User
depending on whether the message is sent in a private channel.
The discord.Member
class subclasses the discord.User and the user id
can be accessed there.
You could use get_member_named to do something like
@client.command(pass_context = True)
async def name_to_id(ctx, *, name):
server = ctx.message.server
user_id = server.get_member_named(name).id
The name can have an optional discriminator argument, e.g. “Jake#0001” or “Jake” will both do the lookup. However the former will give a more precise result.
prefix_choice = "!"
bot = commands.Bot(max_messages=10000, command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or(prefix_choice))
async def membersLog(ctx):
for i, member in enumerate(ctx.message.server.members):
list_mem_num = (f'{i}')
list_mem_id = (f'{member.id}')
list_mem = (f'{member}')
list_mem_name = (f'{member.name}')
list_all = (f'Number: {list_mem_num} ID: {list_mem_id} Name: {list_mem} ({list_mem_name})\n')
You can use this to collect all memberinfo of the server where the call comes from. This is the code I use for this.