I try 2 way to config wsgi to use Django for my site. my root project file is in /var/run/myApp. this is my wsgi.py :
import os
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'myApp.settings'
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
1.I install everything that need to run Django on apache and using centos as OS. I use this site to run wsgi.I use this command to setup my server :
mod_wsgi-express setup-server wsgi.py --port=80 --user test --group test --server-root=/var/run/myApp/mod_wsgi-express-80
after that I run this command and everything is fine:
/var/run/myApp/mod_wsgi-express-80/apachectl start
but when I browse my site I get error 500 : Internal Server Error
2.I also already try another way to config apache conf file but I get this error in error_log of apache :
" Target WSGI script not found or unable to stat: /run "
and this is what I write in httpd.conf:
WSGIDaemonProcess mySite user=test group=test
WSGIProcessGroup mySite
<VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIScriptAlias / run/myApp/my_App/wsgi.py
<Directory run/myApp/my_App>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
what is problem? thanks.
If using Django, you are better off using the mod_wsgi express integration for Django.
Thus, add 'mod_wsgi.server'
in Django settings.py
Then use --setup-only
option to the runmodwsgi
management command:
python manage.py runmodwsgi --setup-only --port=80 --user test --group test --server-root=/var/run/myApp/mod_wsgi-express-80
This is instead of using mod_wsgi-express setup-server
You can then use:
/var/run/myApp/mod_wsgi-express-80/apachectl start
as root.
By using the runmodwsgi
management command, mod_wsgi express will factor in the Django static files directory and add it to the generated Apache configuration automatically.
In using static files, just remember to run:
python manage.py collectstatic
so that any static files are copied to the STATIC_ROOT
directory you specified in the Django settings.py
In using the management command, mod_wsgi express should also correctly setup the top level directory for Django as the home directory for the application and ensure the module search path is set appropriately so that your project modules are found.