i'm trying to add into my project this lib.
So i've added Java Binding Library to my Xamarin.Android project and after compile,i've got some problems.
Tried to resolve by my self and didn't get a luck.
So i removed packages,via remove-node that i wont to use and all complies fine,but i have strange behaviour.
Class,that i want to use is empty(that how is he showed on assembly browser):
using Android.Runtime;
using Java.Lang;
using System;
namespace Net.Coobird.Thumbnailator.Util.Exif
[Register("net/coobird/thumbnailator/util/exif/ExifUtils", DoNotGenerateAcw = true)]
public sealed class ExifUtils : Object
// Constructors
internal ExifUtils(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer);
And the original(source .java version) is looks like this.
Why this happens? It unusable.