I'm not familiar with prolog language. I've used the example number 8 of the prolog cookbook.
Which code is :
submit_filter(In,Out) :-
In =.. [submit | Ls],
add_non_author_approval(Ls, R),
Out =.. [submit | R].
add_non_author_approval(S1, S2) :-
gerrit:commit_label(label('Code-Review', 2), R),
R \= A, !,
S2 = [label('Non-Author-Code-Review', ok(R)) | S1].
add_non_author_approval(S1, [label('Non-Author-Code-Review', need(_)) | S1]).
This is the rule forcing a non author code review the code before submit.
It's working as intended, but I wanted users from admin group to bypass this rule(If they are author and the +2 reviewer the submit should always be enable).
Any kind of help is appreciated.