we have Gerrit installed to manage our repositories on the server. So far, everything works well, we can clone using ssh.
Gerrit is the version 2.14.2 apache 2.4.18.
That is our configuration files (censored when needed):
basePath = git
serverId = ed5a7ef7-289e-4590-9292-cbdede1b0dc9
canonicalWebUrl = http://repository.something.com/gerrit
type = h2
database = /media/data/gerrit/db/ReviewDB
type = LUCENE
type = HTTP
logoutUrl = http://logout@repository.something.com/gerrit
enableSignedPush = false
smtpServer = mail.something.com
from = Code Review <review@gerrit.com>
javaHome = /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
user = administrator
listenAddress = *:29418
listenUrl = proxy-
directory = cache
allowRemoteAdmin = true
command = checkout
command = cherry_pick
command = pull
scheme = ssh
scheme = http
maxSubjectLength = 80
maxLineLength = 100
longLinesThreshold = 10
rejectTooLong = false
[plugin "emoticons"]
showEmoticons = true
enableREST = true
enableUI = true
ignoreDrafts = true
autoAddReviewers = false
maxReviewers = 1
enableLoadBalancing = false
plusTwoRequired = true
plusTwoAge = 8
plusTwoLimit = 10
type = custom
linkname = log
url = http://repository.something.com/cgit
project = /${project}.git
branch = /${project}.git/log
revision = /${project}.git/commit/?id=${commit}
filehistory = /${project}.git/log
plugin = lfs
ProxyPassMatch /([[:alnum:]-]+)\.git(.*) http://localhost:8081/gerrit/a/$1.git$2
ProxyPass /gerrit http://localhost:8081/gerrit nocanon
ProxyPassReverse /gerrit http://localhost:8081/gerrit nocanon
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy http://localhost:8081/gerrit>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location /gerrit>
AuthType Digest
AuthName "gerrit"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htdigest
Require valid-user
Clone using ssh, like I said, works well. But when try to clone using http, we get an authentication error. I tried a lot with different settings in a separate config file in the mods-enabled, also in the sites available.
Any idea what could be wrong?
As already seen, we have a landing page on repository.someting.com and access Gerrit using repository.something.com/gerrit.
All these apache configuration stuff is completely new for me -.- So I have no Idea what I do actually ^^
I changed the apache loglevel to debug for more information.
These was my tries:
Clone using TortoiseGit without any modification in the global .gitconfig
AH01781: client used wrong authentication scheme `Basic': /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs
Clone using GitBash without any modification in the global .gitconfig
AH01794: user hanswurst: password mismatch: /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs
I added http.proxyAuthMethod = digest to the .gitconfig and tried again with TortoiseGit
AH01781: client used wrong authentication scheme `Basic': /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs
And tried also Git Bash
AH01794: user blubb: password mismatch: /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs
I have read in the documentation that this works only when used a proxy with a user name in it; so I added http.proxy = http://blubb@repository.something.com:80 and tried again with Tortoisegit
AH02422: HTTP Request Line; URI must not contain a username/password
and GitBash
AH02422: HTTP Request Line; URI must not contain a username/password
Even that the documentation say the proxy must contain a user name, I also tried with the proxy on http.proxy = http://repository.something.com:80 now with TortoiseGit
AH01781: client used wrong authentication scheme `Basic': /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs
And GitBash
- AH01626: authorization result of Require valid-user : denied (no authenticated user yet)
- AH01626: authorization result of : denied (no authenticated user yet)
- AH01626: authorization result of Require valid-user : granted
- AH01626: authorization result of : granted
- AH01143: Running scheme http handler (attempt 0)
- AH00942: HTTP: has acquired connection for (localhost) connecting http://localhost:8081/gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack to localhost:8081 connected /gerrit/a/PluginTester/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack to localhost:8081
- AH00943: http: has released connection for (localhost)
point 7 is what I expected, since the digest will not used anymore. But on 8. on the Server it looks good for me, but the client still gets "Authentication Failed"