I am using Indy 10 with Delphi. Following is my code which uses EncodeString
method of Indy to encode a string.
EncodedString : String;
StringToBeEncoded : String;
EncoderMIME: TIdEncoderMIME;
EncodedString := EncoderMIME.EncodeString(StringToBeEncoded);
I am not getting the correct value in encoded sting.
What is the purpose of
Here's the source code for IndyTextEncoding_OSDefault
function IndyTextEncoding_OSDefault: IIdTextEncoding;
if GIdOSDefaultEncoding = nil then begin
LEncoding := TIdMBCSEncoding.Create;
if InterlockedCompareExchangeIntf(IInterface(GIdOSDefaultEncoding), LEncoding, nil) <> nil then begin
LEncoding := nil;
Result := GIdOSDefaultEncoding;
Note that I stripped out the .net conditional code for simplicity. Most of this code is to arrange singleton thread-safety. The actual value returned is synthesised by a call to TIdMBCSEncoding.Create
. Let's look at that.
constructor TIdMBCSEncoding.Create;
Create(CP_ACP, 0, 0);
Again I've remove conditional code that does not apply to your Windows setting. Now, CP_ACP
is the Active Code Page, the current system Windows ANSI code page. So, on Windows at least, IndyTextEncoding_OSDefault
is an encoding for the current system Windows ANSI code page.
Why did using
give the same behaviour as my Delphi 7 code?
That's because the Delphi 7 / Indy 9 code for TEncoderMIME.EncodeString
does not perform any code page transformation and MIME encodes the input string as though it were a byte array. Since the Delphi 7 string is encoded in the active ANSI code page, this has the same effect as passing IndyTextEncoding_OSDefault
to TEncoderMIME.EncodeString
in your Unicode version of the code.
What is the difference between
Here is the source code for IndyTextEncoding_OSDefault
function IndyTextEncoding_Default: IIdTextEncoding;
LType: IdTextEncodingType;
LType := GIdDefaultTextEncoding;
if LType = encIndyDefault then begin
LType := encASCII;
Result := IndyTextEncoding(LType);
This returns an encoding that is determined by the value of GIdDefaultTextEncoding
. By default, GIdDefaultTextEncoding
is encASCII
. And so, by default, IndyTextEncoding_Default
yields an ASCII encoding.
Beyond all this you should be asking yourself which encoding you want to be using. Relying on default values leaves you at the mercy of those defaults. What if those defaults don't do what you want to do. Especially as the defaults are not Unicode encodings and so support only a limited range of characters. And what's more are dependent on system settings.
If you wish to encode international text, you would normally choose to use the UTF-8 encoding.
One other point to make is that you are calling EncodeString
as though it were an instance method, but it is actually a class method. You can remove EncoderMIME
and call TEncoderMIME.EncodeString
. Or keep EncoderMIME
and call EncoderMIME.Encode