I need to write a JSONiq expression that lists only the name of the products that cost at least 3. This is my JSON file which i had typed in the XQuery section:
{ "supermarket_visit":{
"number": 3,
"individual_price": 3.5
"number": 2,
"individual_price": 3
"number": "some"
"number": 1
"number": 2
and this is my JSONiq Xquery JSONiq command, which i dont really know where to type in try.zorba.io:
let $x := find("supermarket_visit")
for $x in $supermarket.bought let $i := $x.item
where $i.individual_price <=3
return $i.item_name
I am getting many errors in try.zorba.io and im really new to JSONiq and JSON. Is something wrong with my JSON or JSONiq part?
The following selection works for me at the site you linked to:
jsoniq version "1.0";
{ "supermarket_visit":{
"number": 3,
"individual_price": 3.5
"number": 2,
"individual_price": 3
"number": "some"
"number": 1
"number": 2
}.supermarket_visit.bought()[$$ instance of object and $$.individual_price le 3].item_name
The original query can be slightly modified to (in order to keep a FLWOR expression):
jsoniq version "1.0";
let $document := { (: put the document here :) }
for $x in $document.supermarket_visit.bought[]
where $x instance of object and $x.individual_price le 3
return $x.item_name
Note that try.zorba.io is an older version of Zorba (2.9) that does not implement the latest, stable JSONiq version. This is why () must be used instead of [] on this specific page. If you download the latest version of Zorba, the above query should work.
Also, the original document provided in the question is not well-formed JSON, because it contains a special em space character (Unicode 2003) on the line above "next_visit". This character must be removed for this JSON to be parsed successfully.