Rethink DB Cross Cluster Replication

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-11 10:59:51


I have 3 different pool of clients in 3 different geographical locations.

I need configure Rethinkdb with 3 different clusters and replicate data between the (insert, update and deletes). I do not want to use shard, only replication.

I didn't found in documentation if this is possible.

I didn't found in documentation how to configure multi-cluster replication.

Any help is appreciated.


I think that multi cluster is just same a single clusters with nodes in different data center

First, you need to setup a cluster, follow this document:

Basically using below command to join a node into cluster:

rethinkdb --join IP_OF_FIRST_MACHINE:29015 --bind all

Once you have your cluster setup, the rest is easy. Go to your admin ui, select the table, in "Sharding and replication", click Reconfigure and enter how many replication you want, just keep shard at 1.

You can also read more about Sharding and Replication at

