
Logstash mutate add all fields from json

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-10 05:12:22
问题 I am using a Logstash plugin (logstash-input-rethinkdb). This plugin grabs all the edits in the database and outputs an json object containing the following structure: { "db":"itjobs", "table":"countries", "old_val":null, "new_val":{ "code":"USA3", "country":"USA3", "id":"7c8c9e4e-aa37-48f1-82a5d624cde4a3a0" }, "@version":"1", "@timestamp":"2016-12-19T19:54:08.263Z" } I insert this doc in elasticsearch. But the problem is that in elastic i get the same structure with -> new_val:{code:''} I

Logstash mutate add all fields from json

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-02-10 05:06:37
问题 I am using a Logstash plugin (logstash-input-rethinkdb). This plugin grabs all the edits in the database and outputs an json object containing the following structure: { "db":"itjobs", "table":"countries", "old_val":null, "new_val":{ "code":"USA3", "country":"USA3", "id":"7c8c9e4e-aa37-48f1-82a5d624cde4a3a0" }, "@version":"1", "@timestamp":"2016-12-19T19:54:08.263Z" } I insert this doc in elasticsearch. But the problem is that in elastic i get the same structure with -> new_val:{code:''} I

Using geospatial commands in rethinkdb with changefeed

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-02-07 04:33:05
问题 right now I have a little problem: I want to use geospatial commands (like getIntersecting) together with the changefeed feature of rethinkdb but I always get: RqlRuntimeError: Cannot call changes on an eager stream in: r.db("Test").table("Message").getIntersecting([-117.220406,32.719464], 10, {unit: 'mi'}), {index: 'loc'})).changes() the big question is: Can I use getIntersecting with the changes() (couldn't find anything related to that in the docs btw ...) or do I have to abandon


南楼画角 提交于 2020-12-18 02:41:15
使用Docker镜像安装 一,在centos上安装Docker 很简单,直接 yum install docker 即可 开启docker服务 在centos中开启服务可以使用systemctl start serviceName.service,比如开启docker,systemctl start docker.service 拉取docker镜像文件 使用docker安装 STF 很简单,只需拉取以下5个镜像即可: docker pull openstf/stf:latest docker pull sorccu/adb:latest docker pull rethinkdb:latest docker pull openstf/ambassador:latest docker pull nginx:latest 检查拉去下来的镜像 docker images 启动容器 先启动一个数据库 docker run -d --name rethinkdb -v /srv/rethinkdb:/data --net host rethinkdb rethinkdb --bind all --cache-size 8192 --http-port 8090 再启动adb service docker run -d --name adbd --privileged -v /dev/bus


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-11-28 13:51:59
一、系统环境:CentOS7 centos所有版本下载地址: 查看CentOS的版本号:cat /etc/centos-release 查询操作系统内核版本信息:uname -r 查看操作系统位数:getconf LONG_BIT 关闭防火墙:systemctl stop firewalld.service 查看防火墙状态:systemctl status firewalld.service Active行存在disavtive或dead的字样,说明防火墙已经关闭 二、CentOS7部署Docker 1、安装必要的系统工具 yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 2、添加软件源信息 yum-config-manager --add-repo 3、更新并安装docker-ce yum makecache fast yum -y install docker-ce 4、设置开机时自动启动(可不设置开机自动启动) systemctl enable docker 5、查看docker运行状态 systemctl

how can i solve npm ERR! error:0909006C:PEM in Node.js?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-08-19 10:19:45
问题 I'm new to Node.js. I tried to add RethinkDB module to my project, but I got: npm error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line error. I don't use a proxy, tried uninstalling/reinstalling Node.js, and changing the registry from the solutions I found online, but none of them worked. 回答1: type this line npm set registry and after that try again I assume that your certificate is expired 回答2: that what solved for me on windows , cmd: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m

Is there any other way to implement a “listening” function without an infinite while loop?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-08-02 04:54:26
问题 I've been thinking a lot about code and libraries like React that automatically, well, react to events as they happen, and was wondering about how all of that is implemented at the lower levels of C++ and machine code. I can't seem to figure out any other way something like an event listener could be implemented with if not with a while loop running on another thread. So is that all this is under the hood? Just while loops all the way down? Like, for example, RethinkDB, which advertises

Encoding with 'idna' codec failed in RethinkDB

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-03-03 08:48:12
问题 I have a flask app that runs and connects to a remote rethinkdb database on The app is also deployed to, but this deployment keeps throwing the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/.virtualenvs/venv/lib/python3.5/encodings/", line 165, in encode raise UnicodeError("label empty or too long") UnicodeError: label empty or too long ... rethinkdb.errors.ReqlDriverError: Could not connect to rethinkdb://[user]:[password]@aws-us


本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-30 13:31:53
转载自 Shipyard是在Docker Swarm实现对容器、镜像、docker集群、仓库、节点进行管理的web系统。 1.Shipyard功能 1 Shipyard是一个集成管理docker容器、镜像、Registries的系统,它可以简化对横跨多个主机的Docker容器集群进行管理. 通过Web用户界面,你可以大致浏览相关信息,比如你的容器在使用多少处理器和内存资源、在运行哪些容器,还可以检查所有集群上的事件日志。 2.Shipyard特点: 1 2 3 4 支持多节点的集成管理; 支持镜像、容器、节点管理等功能; 可视化的容器管理和监控管理; 可动态加载节点。 3.Shipyard几个概念 1)engine 1 一个shipyard管理的docker集群可以包含一个或多个engine(引擎),一个engine就是监听tcp端口的dockerdaemon。shipyard管理docker daemon、images、containers完全基于<br>Docker API,不需要做其他的修改。另外,shipyard可以对每个engine做资源限制,包括CPU和内存;因为TCP监听相比Unix socket方式会有一定的安全隐患,所以shipyard还支持通过<br

RethinkDB - Left join where joined_table.identifier is null?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-23 21:11:41
问题 I have two tables in a RethinkDB database that represent a one-to-many relationship. Consider the following two tables: t1 ParentId Name 1 lorem 2 ipsum 3 dotor 4 sit 5 amet t2 ChildId ParentId ChildName 1 1 something 2 3 random 3 5 here On t1, ParentId is the primary key, and on t2, there is a secondary index on ParentId. I want to find which parents don't have a child. The operation in SQL (MSSQL to be exact) looks like this: SELECT t1.* FROM t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN t2 ON t2.ParentId = t1