How to get the selected item from the listpicker in windows phone 8?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-11 10:33:19


I am using this code for create listpicker in windows phone.

<StackPanel Height="148" Margin="0,100,0,0">
   <toolkit:ListPicker Grid.Row="0" FontFamily="Segoe WP Semibold" Height="176" x:Name="Additional_Time" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource PickerItemTemplate}" FullModeItemTemplate="{StaticResource PickerFullModeItemTemplate}" FullModeHeader="Cities" SelectedIndex="0" CacheMode="BitmapCache" Header="Choose Exit Time" FontSize="30" SelectionChanged="Additional_Time_SelectionChanged"/>

and use this grid resources

        <DataTemplate x:Name="PickerItemTemplate">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Border Background="LightGreen" Width="34" Height="34">
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Country}" FontSize="16" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Margin="12 0 0 0"/>
        <DataTemplate x:Name="PickerFullModeItemTemplate">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="16 21 0 20">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" Margin="16 0 0 0" FontSize="43" FontFamily="{StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyLight}"/>

                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Language}" Foreground="Green"/>

Below code for insert item into listpicker

List<Cities> source = new List<Cities>();
        //List<Items> source = new List<Items>();
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 00 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 01 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 01 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 02 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 02 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 03 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 03 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 04 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 04 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 05 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 05 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 06 : 00 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 06 : 30 " });
        source.Add(new Cities() { Name = " 07 : 00 " });

        this.Additional_Time.ItemsSource = source;

My Question was how to get the selected item from this listpicker.

I tried different code for get the selected item from that listpicker it's throw null value exception or invalid cast exception.

private void Additional_Time_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        var selectedItem = (sender as ListPicker).SelectedItem;
        int selindex = Additional_Time.SelectedIndex;// lp.SelectedIndex; //just for testing
        MessageBox.Show(selindex.ToString()); //just for testing
        MessageBox.Show((Additional_Time.SelectedItem as ListPicker).ToString());

Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.


In your code, in the last line you are trying to cast the selected item to ListPicker type, but it should be of type Cities:

MessageBox.Show((Additional_Time.SelectedItem as Cities).Name.ToString());

